Mesomorph Pitta
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Mesomorph Body: How To Take Care Of It Better?

A mesomorph body type is characterized by a naturally athletic build, with well-defined muscles and a high metabolism. Individuals with a mesomorph body type tend to gain and lose weight relatively easily.

Key Points In This Article

This article discusses the mesomorph body type and its correlation with Ayurveda dosha types.

It explores its associated cognitive functions and traits and provides information on identifying mesomorph physical structures. It also examines how dietary principles and particular activities can optimise the lifestyle of the mesomorph individual.

An Overview Of Mesomorph Body

The mesomorph body type is a well-known concept in scientific research referring to a muscular and athletic build.

It is a part of the somatotype field of study, categorising and describing specific physical traits related to body shape and composition.

Subsequently, individuals with a mesomorph-type body can have a naturally athletic body structure that enables them to gain muscle and lose fat relatively quickly.

Here are a few points of consideration:

  • Individuals are often highly active and energetic, with a tendency towards physical pursuits such as sports and fitness.
  • Individuals with mesomorphic body types can improve their overall well-being by optimising their body requirements to match their key characteristics.

Somatotypes (Body Type)

The concept of somatotypes dates back to the early 20th century and is still used in modern science today.

The three somatotypes are ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. It is used to help understand and classify different body types based on physical characteristics such as;

  • Muscle mass
  • Body fat
  • Bone structure

Somatotypes are used in various disciplines in medical science, including sports medicine and nutrition. For example, somatotyping can be used to identify body types that are best suited for certain sports.

A classic example would be the mesomorph body type, which tends to have a muscular build and may excel in sports that require strength and power, such as weightlifting or football.

An illustrative 3D image of close-up male back muscles with a small 3D figure demonstrating running pose in the bottom left corner.
Somatotype Combinations & Ayurvedic “Dual Prakriti”

Additionally, an individual may be dominant in one particular body type and have a secondary type, which displays characteristics of, for instance, mesomorph-ectomorph.

This dual nature also applies in Ayurvedic sciences in the role of “dual Prakriti” when assessing an individual’s overall nature, including physical, cognitive and energy traits.

For instance, Pitta-Vata means an individual has Pitta as their dominant bioelement (dosha) and vata as a secondary dominant dosha.

What Determines Body Type

One critical insight into the mesomorph body type is that genetics significantly determine an individual’s body structure and physical abilities.

While lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can undoubtedly “influence” body composition, mesomorphs are often naturally predisposed to muscular and athletic physiques.

Physical – Mental – Energy Traits

In addition to modern science categorising body types based on physical traits, the Ayurvedic sciences also link each somatotype’s psychological characteristics with a specific bioelement (dosha).

In both cases, there are three somatotypes and three doshas. These may be singularly dominant or applicable as a combination in an individual.

Based on this, each somatotype’s psychological traits and implications may be understood from a physical, mental, and energy level. This suggests that this individual displays particular characteristics physically, mentally, and energetically.

For instance, human functions are universally accepted to include physical, mental, and energy. Therefore, in the latter sections, we explore psychological traits in relation to mesomorph body types.

An illustrative chart, an overview of pitta dosha definition and characteristics

Ayurvedic Pitta Mesomorph Body Type

Additionally, according to Ayurveda, the Pitta body type is characterised as a mesomorph.

Individuals with this body type often have a high metabolism and tend to gain muscle easily. In Ayurveda, Pitta body types have an intense digestive fire and are prone to imbalances related to heat and inflammation.

Therefore, it is recommended that they consume foods with cooling properties and engage in relaxation practices to maintain balance—for instance, green mung bean, green leafy vegetables, cooling alkaline foods such as cucumber, etc.

Fire & Water Elements

“Pitta” is made up of the fire and water elements. These two elements are the primary components of the Pitta dosha, which is associated with the mesomorph body type. These two elements play an essential role in maintaining muscle wellness.

Pitta-dominant individuals typically exhibit a robust metabolic system when optimal.

A healthy metabolic system, influenced by the gut-brain axis, promotes healthy cognitive function, including cognitive vitality, enthusiasm etc.

For more detailed information on the fire and water elements related to the Pitta function, read more here.

Here Are Some Key Physical Characteristics of Pitta Mesomorph
  • Muscular and athletic build
  • Broad shoulders
  • Narrow waist
  • Relatively low body fat percentage
  • Naturally strong and well-defined musculature
  • May have visible abs, biceps, or triceps
  • Prominent chest and back
  • Relatively high metabolism
Mesomorph Pitta

Cognitive Traits

Regarding the mental traits of a mesomorph body type, Ayurvedic sciences state that they display traits such as the capacity for sharp intellect, an intelligent outlook, being highly focused, etc. This is based on a balanced Pitta dosha.

Here are some terms associated with Ayurvedic Pitta Mesomorph:

Cognitive (Mental) AreasTrait
MindIntelligence and a sharp intellect
Memory Sharp memory, focussed attention
Mental AbilityGoal orientated, aggressive goal-directed
Emotional Temperament Determined, irritable
Sleep PatternUsually has 6 hours of sound sleep

According to a 2022 study conducted by Gupta et al., mesomorphs have been found to be assertive.

Example Case Study In Somatotypes

The study by Gupta, Garg, and Singh (2022) explored the relationship between somatotypes and cognitive performance.

The researchers found that individuals with a Pitta-Mesomorph somatotype outperformed other somatotypes regarding cognitive abilities such as working memory, attention, and executive function.

“Moreover, the study observed that individuals with a Pitta-Mesomorph somatotype displayed better posture and movement patterns, contributing to their higher cognitive performance.”

These findings suggest a potential association between somatotype and cognitive function, highlighting the importance of considering individual differences in personalised interventions to enhance cognitive performance. (International Journal of Yoga15(2), 106-113).

Energy Characteristics & Metabolic Strength

According to the earlier sections of this article, it was mentioned that people with mesomorph body types generally have an athletic build, with more muscle and less fat.

The Pitta bioelement suggests that mesomorphs typically have a well-balanced energy level ranging from moderate to very active, closely linked to metabolic health.

Metabolism plays a crucial role in maintaining this energy balance.

Essentially, metabolism refers to the body’s ability to convert food and drink into energy, vital in determining an individual’s energy level.

Therefore, the direct relationship between food, energy, and mesomorph energy levels provides valuable insights.

Mesomorph Pitta

Optimal Diet For Mesomorph Based On Ayurvedic Principles

Here are some key points to consider when optimizing a diet for a mesomorph body type:

1. Optimisation
  • Ayurvedic Diet: Pitta-mesomorphs can combine salads, raw foods, and high-quality protein such as beans and tofu with organic quinoa, millet or spelt, foods with bitter and astringent undertones, etc. Protein sources include green mung beans, pumpkin seeds, etc.
  • The mesomorph body type should include high-quality protein and vegetables in their diet. This is to maintain muscle mass and reduce body fat, specifically in mesomorph body types.
  • A Good Quality Water: Mesomorph should ensure proper hydration between meals. Herbal Tisane may also be added to a well-balanced diet. Ideally, water should be consumed from a pure source and without additives.
2. Consideration
  • Light, dry foods aggravate Pitta-mesomorph, so powder proteins may or may not be the best way forward for these individuals.
  • While powders can provide a source of protein, they may not offer the same medicinal and nutritional benefits as whole foods.
  • Ayurveda recommends Pitta-mesomorph not to eat when upset or angry as it can induce indigestion and headaches (gut-brain axis & stress influence).
3. Magnesium From Bioactive Food For Muscle

Magnesium is a mineral that helps with muscle contraction and relaxation, and it is essential for the proper functioning of muscles.

  • A magnesium deficiency can lead to muscle weakness, cramping, and even spasms. Magnesium is also essential for bone health, heart health, and overall energy production in the body.
  • Consuming enough magnesium through a balanced diet and supplementing where required to support healthy muscle function. However, obtaining magnesium from dietary intake is different from supplementing.

Magnesium supplements can be considered after assessing magnesium levels from a routine blood test. If the magnesium level is balanced, then maintaining it through bioactive foods would be more body-optimal. An excess of concentrated supplementation can be counterproductive.

Mesomorph Pitta
4. Herbal Teas & Waters
  • Khus Root Tea: Khus root tea, or vetiver tea, can benefit the pitta mesomorph body type by cooling and calming the mind and body, reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and promoting healthy skin.
  • Chamomile tea: Chamomile is a calming herb that can help reduce stress and anxiety, which can benefit pitta body types. It can also help with digestion and promote restful sleep.
  • Damask Rose Tea: Damask rose tea (Rosa Damascena) is a refreshing and cooling beverage that offers numerous benefits for pitta mesomorph individuals, such as reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and promoting relaxation.

Mesomorph Exercise

Successful athletes in many sports appear to have high mesomorphy ratings, demonstrating strong musculoskeletal development (Ryan-Stewart et al., 2018).

In addition to improving one’s diet, mesomorphs may enhance physical and mental performance through specific exercises advantageously.

Here are some helpful points:

1. Strength Training

Strength Training: Mesomorphs are naturally muscular and athletic, strength training exercises can optimise this body type. Such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and pull-ups can help them build and maintain muscle mass.

2. Strength Eating A Mental Activity

Individuals with mesomorph dominant body types generally have a higher muscle-to-fat ratio, a widely accepted concept in Western and Eastern sciences.

In the same way as bones, muscles are mainly formed through a combination of physical activity (such as exercise) and the body’s metabolic processes.

A diet that supports these factors will help promote healthy and organic muscle growth.

Therefore, “strength eating,” such as a protein-rich Ayurvedic khichdi, which contains several bioactive compounds due to its ingredients, can help provide a more comprehensive meal.

3. Yoga: Vrikshasana

One yoga asana that can help mesomorphs achieve balance is the Tree Pose (Vrikshasana). This balancing pose can help mesomorphs improve their concentration and focus while building strength and stability in their legs and core.

The Tree Pose is an effective yoga position that enhances stability, balance, and strength.


Understanding your body type can be valuable in making informed decisions about your health and well-being.

One of the three somatotypes is the mesomorph body type, which typically has a more muscular build with an athletic body structure and lower levels of body fat.

In Ayurvedic science, mesomorphs are associated with the Pitta dosha, which means that the dominant bioelements are fire and water.

They typically have strong metabolic systems that efficiently process nutrients, providing ample energy for muscle building and reducing the need for fat storage.

Mesomorphs display certain physical traits and cognitive traits, such as sharp intellect, a focused and goal-oriented approach, and healthy determination.

Precautions & Suitability

Precautions and personal responsibility are crucial. Check suitability of any therapeutic diet or wellness routine. Seek the advice of a professional.

This is an informational post only and does not constitute professional advice.

References in this article:

  1. Gupta, A., Garg, R., & Singh, V. (2022). Using Traditional Typologies to Understand Posture Movement and Cognitive Performance – A cross sectional study. International Journal of Yoga, 15(2), 106-113.
  1. National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements:
  1. Grandjean, Ann. “Nutritional requirements to increase lean mass.” ScienceDirect, Elsevier, 25 July 2005,

  1. Ryan-Stewart, H., Faulkner, J., & Jobson, S. (2018). The influence of somatotype on anaerobic performance. PLoS ONE, 13(5).
  1. Solakoglu O, Dogruoz Karatekin B, Yumusakhuylu Y, Mesci E, Icagasioglu A. The Effect of Yoga Asana “Vrksasana (Tree Pose)” on Balance in Patients With Postmenopausal Osteoporosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2022 Mar 1;101(3):255-261. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001785. PMID: 33990483.

By understanding the connection between Pitta dosha and the mesomorph body type, you can better comprehend your body’s needs and how to fulfil them.


Pitta dosha

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